
Tunjukkan catatan dari Mei, 2013

Moving forward~

Assalammualaikum warahmahtullah~  Fuuhh..lamanya tidak update blog ~_~  Alhamdulillah Allah bagi kelapangan waktu ketika ini,  seriusss.. macam tidak pandai mengayat pulak! Haiih.. macamlah sebelum ni pandai sangat mengayat kan :P  Allahuakbar ...cepatnya masa berlalu, tick tack!!!! 3x.. i don't know how to put my word here "-_-  Ok positif! take a deep breath...huhhh~ I almost finish my second year in the university, and now..what i'm doing?? just let the times go and don't think too much about the problem happening around here.I'm thinking~~~ take your steps and keep moving forward,to your future yahooOO.. i didn't expect my life can be like this. I miss someone who can give me motivate, carrying about me, share the problems~ Haiyaa...but it's not the big problem actually kan..kan :-)  i have a lovely family, my friends  and someone waiting for me..hahaaa :-D ~ just kidding, who's the unlucky man out there?? tadaaa....  sometimes we nee...