
2022 ~ Come Back!

  Posting 2022!  After so long .. here I am, Gosh this is so.. awkward, after so many years with no blogging. Tiberr kau datang hahaa..  Guess what happened ? ... I don't even know what I'm going to say anyway Try to relax & calm your mind , Breath and  B ismillah.. Alhamdulillah we survived!  Covid, losing our love one, losing our job, no matter how tough it is , alhamdulillah we have passed the life test. Flash back all the things happened to us , bad memories but give us more strength to overcome our problem. you are stronger than you think right? I feel that too.. We finally can manage our stress, emotion, we learn to appreciate people we love family & friends. It's all progress to become a better person. Well done! HE gave us another chance to live so don't waste it for something unworth.  All my family has been tested positive covid, and its happened on 1st wave at the time, everything was so scary and feel terribly sorry for my family because I'm the

Nota insomniac

Bismillahirahmannirahim.. Segalanya Nampak normal, kehidupan ini berjalan seperti biasa  tidak lah sehebat orang di syria, ujian mereka hanya untuk orang2 hebat seperti mereka kalau kita sendiri berada di tempat mereka , memang sudah lama mati.  Orang Malaysia sibuk viral budak cendol, Neelopa  pulak viral zouk and turban hijabnya.  Allahu .. see how the different, bagaimana kita berada di zon selesa sampai tahap nak decide  tempat makan di mana pun satu masalah! Hidup Malaysia aman sentosa! Nota- nota kehidupan masih belum berakhir. semoga cerita hidup kita baik di penghujungnya.


 Bismillah .. Insomniac welcome back!!^^ You cannot handle yourself without doing nothing. you will get bored scrolling your phone,  getting worse when you waste your time to stalk peoples life. useless. you have try to count the sheep, and still not working.Lol  some people say you are depress and try to diagnose yourself, are you really okay? are you not happy? and what is the big problem in your life. nothing more.. back to Him . feel much better. No consistency. and you will loose yourself again and again. this is our main problem, distracted from the real goal of life.  socialize with more people , build networking as much as you can with people, of course they will give you positive vibe, but not all of them. appreciate your friends. get connected with them once in awhile. be the best at your work place, don't waste time with parasite.  Family is your high priority. do more effort to improve your family relationship. listen to them, voice

Kenangan yg dikenang~

Assalammu'alaikum and Hi youuu Terima kasih yg sempat stalk aku di sini, haa! Tiada yg best pun. But at least u get to know me a little bit kan hee ~ Namanya juga bukan blogger tegar, updatenya emang ngak tentu. Tapi kalau rajin.. Boleh aja sih dibaca post yang lama2 ^_~ Berbalik kepada tajuk diatas, ceritanya agak boring.. Nothing interesting I guess. Insomnia like me used to behave like this..I'll find something todo, to think deeply.. Inside of me konon. Then #throwback everything in your memories.. As much as you can remember hahahaa... Rasanya setiap orang akan ada moment2 yang macam tu, dan sebenarnya....tadi tengah tunggu kejadian hujan meteor seperti yg dikhabarkan. Tapi apakan daya.. Awan mendung mengaburi langit cinta kita hahaa.. Jadi... Meteornya tiada kelihatan, bukan rezeki kita lah ya.. Melainkan kalau kita ada teleskop pasti hebat pemandangan di langit. Subahanallah~ boleh menabung untuk itu ~_~ Tak boleh tidur sebenarnya, minum kopi tadi mangala

Ho Chi Minh City

Assalammu'alaikum.. Baru semalam sampai KK , rindunya lain macam.. Udara tanah air sendiri buat diriku jadi syahdu! Pergi Vietnam..tak terfikir pun, orang kita sibuk travel ke korea, Indonesia, Boracay, Maldives.. Kami ke vietnam, Ini rezeki yg diberi. Syukurlah! Tapi tag line "everyone can fly" permudahkan kita. Tiket mampu beli lah katakan. Ini adalah jejak langkah pertama keluar negara, kalau cerita ada apa di ho Chi Minh.. Google membantu anda dengan mudah :D Cumanya.. Pengalaman kali pertama travel jauh-jauh mengubah pandangan dan persepsi travelling.  Pokoknya learning process itu lebih berkesan dan cepat. How your manage your time,  Plan your trip,  Money management,  Prepare Mental and physical. Kau akan belajar menilai sesuatu dengan lebih berhikmah, mempelajari kehidupan di tempat orang, their peoples , culture, language and you will enjoy the differences. Paling penting KAU AKAN LEBIH BERSYUKUR Iyalah.. Kami travel baje

Melangkap, Kota Belud

Assalammu'alaikum..  Hi guys, Wahh..  Rupanya lagi mudah update melalui hp,  menaip dgn lebih mudah dan pantas.. Alah2 chatti ng 😁 Sometimes you can't even manage to get everything on the right path even though you know of things existing.  Back to the point. I Want to share a great place for escape 😎 went there on March then baru sekarang mau update.. kah! You know what..  Nowadays peoples bcome so lazy,  everything is on your phone.  And everything is work on uncle Google right. Yeah either you're lucky or not u will get some info from google kan.  Im not giving so much information here..  Forgot already,  sorry. But the place is worth to visit Dating ,  family and friends gathering,  company,  organisation,  school trip. Almost perfect place!  Last time pegi memang mandi sungai jak keja,  makan,  lepas tu mandi lagi, bbq pun makcik yg tolong ahahaa.. Tengah malam nak masuk subuh sejukkkk sangat,  so better bawa selimut tebal2, sleeping bag pun ok jg. 😂 

adat cari rezeki

Assalammualaikum..  Post ni tergantung entah berapa lama.. Kisah yg tak sudah..  Si pencari kerja, si makan gaji,  asalkan kerjanya halal jadi kita on seja!   Belum pun khatam satu bab kerja..  Dah berdepan dgn manusia2 yg boleh tahan 'hebatnya'. Nama juga pengalaman.. Tak dihadam atau kau yg dihadamnya!  Hargai masa tenang dan gembira!  First year bekerja kena jiwa kental beb, jangan bahagia sangat jumpa 'sweet talker', hujung2 cerita terlebih sangat manisnya sehingga kau sendiri tak mampu nak telan.  Kencing manis ahahaha.. Dimaki kau hadam, dipuji syukur alhamdulillah.. Diperli biasalah psycho dimana2, kalau dah bahagia sangat di tempat kerja tu boleh buat kenduri kesyukuran sudah!   Belajar daripada kesilapan budak kecil pun tahu! Kalau tak faham tanya.. Kalau tanya banyak kali itu bengap namanya. Kesilapan itu biasa,  tapi jgn selalu sangat. kesilapan yg sikit itulah membawa kepada mala petaka bencana. You can make mistake.. But do not repeat a sam